Lover’s drug — Shadow of Oblivion

The Melody of Words
2 min readMar 12, 2022


Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

You walk so deep into the Darkness of Oblivion, that you do not see anything but the shadow of your lover, that is so drawn to you, that you cannot keep your eyes of the mythical shadow’s light of your lover’s sight.

You are so captivated by the light, that you forget everyone and everything around you, that hold you so tight. Despite that you walk towards the shade of your lover, that takes your hand and you disappear in the mist of the silhouette’s guise. You become obsessed with the disguise of the beloved shadow’s eyes hugging you.

This is the power of the lover’s drug. It consumes you — it keeps you in it’s shade — it overcomes you and it doesn’t let you go and the scariest part is, you don’t want to go, as you don’t want to lose the connection you love with everthing you have.

You are too scared to lose something that is already lost and don’t let go because it is easier to hold on to something that is already gone.

Sometimes you need to loose someone or let go of someone to not loose yourself, because if you don’t set yourself free, you put everyone else with yourself at liberty, as you do not see anyone anymore, as the mist of the Shadow’s Darkness of Oblivion is cutting out the existence of you and everyone around you and everything is forgotten.

You need to go beyond your fears and loosen the bond of your tears.

You have wasted so much time fearing Hope, that you have forgotten what it is like to live at peace with yourself and around others, outside the Shadow’s keeper.

What you need to realise is:

The Power of Hope is the Faith of you.

Take that faith and believe in your fate and escape.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash



The Melody of Words
The Melody of Words

Written by The Melody of Words

Embrace the Kindness of the world because with kindness comes love. If you want to contact me please reach out to me on my email:

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